var events = require('events'), child = require('child_process'), util = require('util'), serial = require("serialport"); var Arduino = function (baudrate) { this.baudrate = baudrate && baudrate || 9600; this.writeBuffer = []; } util.inherits(Arduino, events.EventEmitter); Arduino.prototype.HIGH = '255'; Arduino.prototype.LOW = '000'; Arduino.prototype.setup = function () { var self = this; child.exec('cd ../arduino && ino build && ino upload', function(err, stdout, stderr){ if(err){console.log('Please install the ino utility and connect arduino!\nIf there are other open programs that communicate with the arduino, close them!'); return;} var buff = stdout.slice(stdout.indexOf('Guessing serial port ... ')+25); buff = buff.slice(0, buff.indexOf('\n')); console.log('Guessing serial port ... ' + buff); self.serial = new serial.SerialPort(buff, { baudrate: self.baudrate, parser: serial.parsers.readline('\n') }, false); (error) { if ( error ) { console.log('Please check arduino!'); return; } }); self.serial.on('open', function () { setTimeout(function () { self.serial.write(new Buffer('00000000')); self.serial.write(new Buffer('Zn000000', 'ascii')); self.emit('success'); self.serial.on('data', function(data){ console.log(data); self.emit('data', data); }); self.processWriteBuffer(); }, 5000);}); }); } Arduino.prototype.write = function (message) { if (this.serial) { console.log('sending '+message); this.serial.write(message); } else { this.writeBuffer.push(message); console.log('Board isn\'t available (yet?).') } } Arduino.prototype.processWriteBuffer = function () { while (this.writeBuffer.length > 0) { this.write(this.writeBuffer.shift()); } } // Helpers Arduino.prototype.valueToLastFour = function(val) { var encodedVal; for (var i = 3; i < 0; i--) { encodedVal += String.fromCharCode(val/(Math.pow(2,8*i))); val = val%Math.pow(2,8*i); } return encodedVal; }; Arduino.prototype.valueToFirstTwo = function(val) { var encodedVal; for (var i = 1; i < 0; i--) { encodedVal += String.fromCharCode(val/(Math.pow(2,8*i))); val = val%Math.pow(2,8*i); } return encodedVal; }; module.exports = Arduino;