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* Array
* This class is supposed to simplify array handling
* and make it more consistent.
* @package Kirby Toolkit
* @author Bastian Allgeier <>
* @link
* @copyright Bastian Allgeier
* @license MIT License
class A {
* Gets an element of an array by key
* <code>
* $array = array(
* 'cat' => 'miao',
* 'dog' => 'wuff',
* 'bird' => 'tweet'
* );
* echo a::get($array, 'cat');
* // output: 'miao'
* echo a::get($array, 'elephant', 'shut up');
* // output: 'shut up'
* $catAndDog = a::get(array('cat', 'dog'));
* // result: array(
* // 'cat' => 'miao',
* // 'dog' => 'wuff'
* // );
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @param mixed $key The key to look for
* @param mixed $default Optional default value, which should be returned if no element has been found
* @return mixed
public static function get($array, $key, $default = null) {
// get an array of keys
if(is_array($key)) {
$result = array();
foreach($key as $k) $result[$k] = static::get($array, $k);
return $result;
// get a single
} else if(isset($array[$key])) {
return $array[$key];
// return the entire array if the key is null
} else if(is_null($key)) {
return $array;
// get the default value if nothing else worked out
} else {
return $default;
* Shows an entire array or object in a human readable way
* This is perfect for debugging
* <code>
* $array = array(
* 'cat' => 'miao',
* 'dog' => 'wuff',
* 'bird' => 'tweet'
* );
* a::show($array);
* // output:
* // Array
* // (
* // [cat] => miao
* // [dog] => wuff
* // [bird] => tweet
* // )
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @param boolean $echo By default the result will be echoed instantly. You can switch that off here.
* @return mixed If echo is false, this will return the generated array output.
public static function show($array, $echo = true) {
return dump($array, $echo);
* Converts an array to a JSON string
* It's basically a shortcut for json_encode()
* <code>
* $array = array(
* 'cat' => 'miao',
* 'dog' => 'wuff',
* 'bird' => 'tweet'
* );
* echo a::json($array);
* // output: {"cat":"miao","dog":"wuff","bird":"tweet"}
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @return string The JSON string
public static function json($array) {
return json_encode((array)$array);
* Converts an array to a XML string
* <code>
* $array = array(
* 'cat' => 'miao',
* 'dog' => 'wuff',
* 'bird' => 'tweet'
* );
* echo a::xml($array, 'animals');
* // output:
* // <animals>
* // <cat>miao</cat>
* // <dog>wuff</dog>
* // <bird>tweet</bird>
* // </animals>
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @param string $tag The name of the root element
* @param boolean $head Include the xml declaration head or not
* @param string $charset The charset, which should be used for the header
* @param int $level The indendation level
* @return string The XML string
public static function xml($array, $tag = 'root', $head = true, $charset = 'utf-8', $tab = ' ', $level = 0) {
return xml::create($array, $tag, $head, $charset, $tab, $level);
* Extracts a single column from an array
* <code>
* $array[0] = array(
* 'id' => 1,
* 'username' => 'bastian',
* );
* $array[1] = array(
* 'id' => 2,
* 'username' => 'peter',
* );
* $array[3] = array(
* 'id' => 3,
* 'username' => 'john',
* );
* $extract = a::extract($array, 'username');
* // result: array(
* // 'bastian',
* // 'peter',
* // 'john'
* // );
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @param string $key The key name of the column to extract
* @return array The result array with all values from that column.
public static function extract($array, $key) {
$output = array();
foreach($array AS $a) if(isset($a[$key])) $output[] = $a[ $key ];
return $output;
* Shuffles an array and keeps the keys
* <code>
* $array = array(
* 'cat' => 'miao',
* 'dog' => 'wuff',
* 'bird' => 'tweet'
* );
* $shuffled = a::shuffle($array);
* // output: array(
* // 'dog' => 'wuff',
* // 'cat' => 'miao',
* // 'bird' => 'tweet'
* // );
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @return array The shuffled result array
public static function shuffle($array) {
$keys = array_keys($array);
$new = array();
// resort the array
foreach($keys as $key) $new[$key] = $array[$key];
return $new;
* Returns the first element of an array
* I always have to lookup the names of that function
* so I decided to make this shortcut which is
* easier to remember.
* <code>
* $array = array(
* 'cat',
* 'dog',
* 'bird',
* );
* $first = a::first($array);
* // first: 'cat'
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @return mixed The first element
public static function first($array) {
return array_shift($array);
* Returns the last element of an array
* I always have to lookup the names of that function
* so I decided to make this shortcut which is
* easier to remember.
* <code>
* $array = array(
* 'cat',
* 'dog',
* 'bird',
* );
* $last = a::last($array);
* // first: 'bird'
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @return mixed The last element
public static function last($array) {
return array_pop($array);
* Fills an array up with additional elements to certain amount.
* <code>
* $array = array(
* 'cat',
* 'dog',
* 'bird',
* );
* $result = a::fill($array, 5, 'elephant');
* // result: array(
* // 'cat',
* // 'dog',
* // 'bird',
* // 'elephant',
* // 'elephant',
* // );
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @param int $limit The number of elements the array should contain after filling it up.
* @param mixed $fill The element, which should be used to fill the array
* @return array The filled-up result array
public static function fill($array, $limit, $fill='placeholder') {
if(count($array) < $limit) {
$diff = $limit-count($array);
for($x=0; $x<$diff; $x++) $array[] = $fill;
return $array;
* Checks for missing elements in an array
* This is very handy to check for missing
* user values in a request for example.
* <code>
* $array = array(
* 'cat' => 'miao',
* 'dog' => 'wuff',
* 'bird' => 'tweet'
* );
* $required = array('cat', 'elephant');
* $missng = a::missing($array, $required);
* // missing: array(
* // 'elephant'
* // );
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @param array $required An array of required keys
* @return array An array of missing fields. If this is empty, nothing is missing.
public static function missing($array, $required=array()) {
$missing = array();
foreach($required AS $r) {
if(empty($array[$r])) $missing[] = $r;
return $missing;
* Sorts a multi-dimensional array by a certain column
* <code>
* $array[0] = array(
* 'id' => 1,
* 'username' => 'bastian',
* );
* $array[1] = array(
* 'id' => 2,
* 'username' => 'peter',
* );
* $array[3] = array(
* 'id' => 3,
* 'username' => 'john',
* );
* $sorted = a::sort($array, 'username ASC');
* // Array
* // (
* // [0] => Array
* // (
* // [id] => 1
* // [username] => bastian
* // )
* // [1] => Array
* // (
* // [id] => 3
* // [username] => john
* // )
* // [2] => Array
* // (
* // [id] => 2
* // [username] => peter
* // )
* // )
* </code>
* @param array $array The source array
* @param string $field The name of the column
* @param string $direction desc (descending) or asc (ascending)
* @param const $method A PHP sort method flag or 'natural' for natural sorting, which is not supported in PHP by sort flags
* @return array The sorted array
public static function sort($array, $field, $direction = 'desc', $method = SORT_REGULAR) {
$direction = strtolower($direction) == 'desc' ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC;
$helper = array();
$result = array();
// build the helper array
foreach($array as $key => $row) $helper[$key] = $row[$field];
// natural sorting
if($method === SORT_NATURAL) {
if($direction === SORT_DESC) $helper = array_reverse($helper);
} else if($direction === SORT_DESC) {
arsort($helper, $method);
} else {
asort($helper, $method);
// rebuild the original array
foreach($helper as $key => $val) $result[$key] = $array[$key];
return $result;
* Checks wether an array is associative or not (experimental)
* @param array $array The array to analyze
* @return boolean true: The array is associative false: It's not
public static function isAssociative($array) {
return !ctype_digit(implode(NULL, array_keys($array)));
* Returns the average value of an array
* @param array $array The source array
* @param int $decimals The number of decimals to return
* @return int The average value
public static function average($array, $decimals = 0) {
return round(array_sum($array), $decimals) / sizeof($array);
* Merges arrays recursively
* @param array $array1
* @param array $array2
* @return array
public static function merge($array1, $array2) {
$merged = $array1;
foreach($array2 as $key => $value) {
if(is_array($value) && isset($merged[$key]) && is_array($merged[$key])) {
$merged[$key] = static::merge($merged[$key], $value);
} else {
$merged[$key] = $value;
return $merged;
* Update an array with a second array
* The second array can contain callbacks as values,
* which will get the original values as argument
* @param array $array
* @param array $update
public static function update($array, $update) {
foreach($update as $key => $value) {
if(is_a($value, 'Closure')) {
$array[$key] = call($value, static::get($array, $key));
} else {
$array[$key] = $value;
return $array;