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writable", "installation.check.error.blueprints": "Please add a /site/blueprints folder", "installation.check.error.content": "The content folder and all contained files and folders must be writable.", "installation.check.error.thumbs": "The thumbs folder must be writable.", "installation.signup.username.label": "Create your first account", "installation.signup.username.placeholder": "Username", "installation.signup.email.label": "Email", "installation.signup.email.placeholder": "mail@example.com", "installation.signup.password.label": "Password", "installation.signup.language.label": "Language", "installation.signup.button": "Create your account", "login": "Log in", "login.welcome": "Please log in with your new account", "login.username.label": "Username", "login.password.label": "Password", "login.error": "Invalid username or password", "login.button": "Log in", "login.log.error.permissions": "Login log file is not writable.", "logout": "Log out", "topbar.error.class.definition": "Missing topbar definition for class:", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "dashboard.index.pages.title": "Pages", "dashboard.index.pages.edit": "Edit", "dashboard.index.pages.add": "Add", "dashboard.index.site.title": "Your site's URL", "dashboard.index.account.title": "Your account", "dashboard.index.account.edit": "Edit", "dashboard.index.metatags.title": "Site options", "dashboard.index.metatags.edit": "Edit", "dashboard.index.history.title": "Your last updates", "dashboard.index.history.text": "Your last modified pages will be displayed here to make it easy to find them again later.", "dashboard.index.license.title": "Kirby license", "dashboard.index.license.text": "It seems you are running Kirby on a public server without a valid license!\n\nPlease, support Kirby and (link: {buy} text: buy a license now)\n\nIf you already have a license key, just add it to your config file: (link: {docs} text: site/config/config.php)", "metatags": "Site options", "metatags.info": "Kirby info", "metatags.license": "Kirby license", "metatags.version.toolkit": "Toolkit version", "metatags.version.kirby": "Kirby version", "metatags.version.panel": "Panel version", "metatags.back": "Back to the dashboard", "metatags.files": "Site files", "site.delete.error": "The site cannot be deleted", "pages.show.settings": "Page settings", "pages.show.preview": "Open preview", "pages.show.template": "Template", "pages.show.changeurl": "Change URL", "pages.show.invisible": "Status: invisible", "pages.show.visible": "Status: visible", "pages.show.changes.text": "You have unsaved changes!", "pages.show.changes.button": "Discard", "pages.show.delete": "Delete this page", "pages.show.subpages.title": "Pages", "pages.show.subpages.edit": "Edit", "pages.show.subpages.add": "Add", "pages.show.subpages.empty": "This page has no subpages", "pages.show.files.title": "Files", "pages.show.files.edit": "Edit", "pages.show.files.add": "Add", "pages.show.files.empty": "This page has no files", 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the status of this page to **invisible?**", "pages.toggle.error.error": "The status of the error page cannot be changed", "pages.delete.headline": "Do you really want to delete this page?", "pages.delete.error.home.headline": "The home page cannot be deleted", "pages.delete.error.home.text": "You are trying to delete the home page. This is not possible and would lead to unwanted effects.", "pages.delete.error.error.headline": "The error page cannot be deleted", "pages.delete.error.error.text": "You are trying to delete the error page. This is not possible and would lead to unwanted effects.", "pages.delete.error.children.headline": "The page cannot be deleted", "pages.delete.error.children.text": "This page has subpages and cannot be deleted. Please delete all subpages first.", "pages.delete.error.blocked.headline": "The page cannot be deleted", "pages.delete.error.blocked.text": "This page is locked and cannot be deleted.", "pages.search.help": "Search pages by URL. Navigate through search results with your up and down arrow keys and hit enter to jump to the selected page.", "pages.search.noresults": "There are no search results for your query. Please try again with a different URL.", "pages.error.missing": "The page could not be found", "subpages": "Pages", "subpages.index.headline": "Pages in", "subpages.index.back": "Back", "subpages.index.add": "Add a new page", "subpages.index.add.first.text": "This page has no subpages yet", "subpages.index.add.first.button": "Add the first page", "subpages.index.visible": "Visible pages", "subpages.index.visible.help": "Drag invisible pages here to sort them/make them visible.", "subpages.index.invisible": "Invisible pages", "subpages.index.invisible.help": "Drag visible pages here to unsort them/make them invisible.", "subpages.add.error": "This page is not allowed to have subpages", "subpages.add.error.more": "This page cannot have any more subpages", "subpages.error.missing": "The page could not be found", "files": "Files", "files.index.headline": "Files for", "files.index.back": "Back", "files.index.upload": "Upload a new file", "files.index.upload.first.text": "This page has no 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"files.show.delete": "Delete", "files.show.error.rename": "The file could not be renamed", "files.show.error.form": "Please fill in all fields correctly", "files.upload.drop": "Drop files here…", "files.upload.click": "…or click to upload", "files.replace.drop": "Drop a file here…", "files.replace.click": "…or click to replace", "files.replace.error.type": "The uploaded file must have the same file type", "files.delete.headline": "Do you really want to delete this file?", "files.error.missing.page": "The page could not be found", "files.error.missing.file": "The file could not be found", "users": "Users", "users.index.headline": "All users", "users.index.add": "Add a new user", "users.index.edit": "Edit", "users.index.delete": "Delete", "users.form.username.label": "Username", "users.form.username.placeholder": "Your username", "users.form.username.help": "Allowed characters: lowercase a-z, 0-9 and dashes", "users.form.username.readonly": "The username cannot be changed", 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"users.form.error.update": "The user could not be updated", "users.form.error.update.rights": "You are not allowed to update this user", "users.form.error.create": "The user could not be created", "users.form.error.permissions.title": "The account folder is not writable", "users.form.error.permissions.text": "Please make sure that /site/accounts exists and is writable.", "users.delete.headline": "Do you really want to delete this user?", "users.delete.error": "The user could not be deleted", "users.delete.error.permission": "You are not allowed to delete users", "users.delete.error.permission.single": "You are not allowed to delete this user", "users.delete.error.lastadmin": "You cannot delete the last admin", "users.avatar.drop": "Drop a profile picture here…", "users.avatar.click": "…or click to upload", "users.avatar.error.type": "You can only upload JPG, PNG and GIF files", "users.avatar.error.folder.headline": "The avatar folder is not writable", "users.avatar.error.folder.text": "Please create the folder /assets/avatars and make it writable to upload profile pictures.", "users.avatar.error.permission": "You are not allowed to change the avatar", "users.avatar.delete.error": "The profile picture could not be deleted", "users.avatar.delete.error.permission": "You are not allowed to delete the avatar of this user", "users.avatar.delete.success": "The profile picture has been deleted", "users.avatar.missing": "This user has no avatar", "users.error.missing": "The user could not be found", "user.error.lastadmin": "You are the only admin. This cannot be changed.", "form.error.missing": "The form cannot be found", "form.construct.error.invalid": "Invalid form construction method", "fields.required": "Required", "fields.date.label": "Date", "fields.date.months": [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ], "fields.date.weekdays": [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ], "fields.date.weekdays.short": [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ], "fields.email.label": "Email", "fields.email.placeholder": "mail@example.com", "fields.number.label": "Number", "fields.number.placeholder": "#", "fields.page.label": "Page", "fields.page.placeholder": "path/to/page", "fields.password.label": "Password", "fields.structure.add": "Add", "fields.structure.add.first": "Add the first entry", "fields.structure.empty": "No entries yet.", "fields.structure.entry.error": "The item could not be found", "fields.structure.cancel": "Cancel", "fields.structure.save": "Ok", "fields.structure.edit": "Edit", "fields.structure.delete": "Delete", "fields.structure.delete.label": "Do you really want to delete this entry?", "fields.tags.label": "Tags", "fields.tel.label": "Phone", "fields.textarea.buttons.bold.label": "Bold text", "fields.textarea.buttons.bold.text": "Bold text", "fields.textarea.buttons.italic.label": "Italic text", "fields.textarea.buttons.italic.text": "Italic text", "fields.textarea.buttons.link.label": "Link", "fields.textarea.buttons.email.label": "Email", "fields.textarea.buttons.image.label": "Image", "fields.textarea.buttons.file.label": "File", "fields.toggle.yes": "Yes", "fields.toggle.no": "No", "fields.toggle.on": "On", "fields.toggle.off": "Off", "fields.error.missing.controller": "The field controller file is missing", "fields.error.missing.class": "The field controller class is missing", "fields.error.route.invalid": "Invalid field route", "fields.error.extended": "The field cannot be extended", "editor.link.url.label": "Insert URL", "editor.link.text.label": "Link text", "editor.link.text.help": "The link text is optional", "editor.email.address.label": "Insert email address", "editor.email.address.placeholder": "mail@example.com", "editor.email.text.label": "Link text", "editor.email.text.help": "The link text is optional", "editor.file.empty": "This page has no files", "editor.image.empty": "This page has no images", "autocomplete.method.error": "Invalid autocomplete method", "blueprints.error.default.missing": "Missing default blueprint", "error": "Error", "error.headline": "Error" }