
 * File
 * @package   Kirby CMS
 * @author    Bastian Allgeier <bastian@getkirby.com>
 * @link      http://getkirby.com
 * @copyright Bastian Allgeier
 * @license   http://getkirby.com/license
abstract class FileAbstract extends Media {

  use Kirby\Traits\Image;

  static public $methods = array();

  public $kirby;
  public $site;
  public $page;
  public $files;

   * Constructor
   * @param Files The parent files collection
   * @param string The filename
  public function __construct(Files $files, $filename) {

    $this->kirby = $files->kirby;
    $this->site  = $files->site;
    $this->page  = $files->page;
    $this->files = $files;
    $this->root  = $this->files->page()->root() . DS . $filename;



   * Returns the kirby object
   * @return Kirby
  public function kirby() {
    return $this->kirby;

   * Returns the parent site object
   * @return Site
  public function site() {
    return $this->site;

   * Returns the parent page object
   * @return Page
  public function page() {
    return $this->page;

   * Returns the parent files collection
   * @return Files
  public function files() {
    return $this->files;

   * Returns the full root for the content file
   * @return string
  public function textfile() {
    return $this->page->textfile($this->filename());

  public function siblings() {
    return $this->files->not($this->filename);

  public function next() {
    $siblings = $this->files;
    $index    = $siblings->indexOf($this);
    if($index === false) return false;
    return $this->files->nth($index+1);

  public function hasNext() {
    return $this->next();

  public function prev() {
    $siblings = $this->files;
    $index    = $siblings->indexOf($this);
    if($index === false) return false;
    return $this->files->nth($index-1);

  public function hasPrev() {
    return $this->prev();

   * Returns the absolute URL for the file
   * @return string
  public function url($raw = false) {
    if($raw || empty($this->modifications)) {
      return $this->page->contentUrl() . '/' . rawurlencode($this->filename);
    } else {
      return $this->kirby->component('thumb')->url($this);      

   * Returns the relative URI for the image
   * @return string
  public function uri() {
    return $this->page->uri() . '/' . rawurlencode($this->filename);

   * Returns the full directory path starting from the content folder
   * @return string
  public function diruri() {
    return $this->page->diruri() . '/' . rawurlencode($this->filename);

   * Get the meta information
   * @return Content
  public function meta() {

    if(isset($this->cache['meta'])) {
      return $this->cache['meta'];
    } else {

      $inventory = $this->page->inventory();
      $file      = isset($inventory['meta'][$this->filename]) ? $this->page->root() . DS . $inventory['meta'][$this->filename] : null;

      return $this->cache['meta'] = new Content($this->page, $file);



   * Custom modified method for files
   * @param string $format
   * @return string
  public function modified($format = null, $handler = null) {
    return parent::modified($format, $handler ? $handler : $this->kirby->options['date.handler']);

   * Magic getter for all meta fields
   * @return Field
  public function __call($key, $arguments = null) {
    if(isset(static::$methods[$key])) {
      if(!$arguments) $arguments = array();
      array_unshift($arguments, clone $this);
      return call(static::$methods[$key], $arguments);
    } else {
      return $this->meta()->get($key, $arguments);

   * Generates a new filename for a given name
   * and makes sure to handle badly given extensions correctly
   * @param string $name
   * @return string
  public function createNewFilename($name, $safeName = true) {

    $name = basename($safeName ? f::safeName($name) : $name);
    $ext  = f::extension($name);

    // remove possible extensions
    if(in_array($ext, f::extensions())) {
      $name = f::name($name);      

    return trim($name . '.' . $this->extension(), '.');


   * Renames the file and also its meta info txt
   * @param string $filename
   * @param boolean $safeName
  public function rename($name, $safeName = true) {

    $filename = $this->createNewFilename($name, $safeName);
    $root     = $this->dir() . DS . $filename;

    if(empty($name)) {
      throw new Exception('The filename is missing');

    if($root == $this->root()) return $filename;

    if(file_exists($root)) {
      throw new Exception('A file with that name already exists');

    if(!f::move($this->root(), $root)) {
      throw new Exception('The file could not be renamed');

    $meta = $this->textfile();

    if(file_exists($meta)) {
      f::move($meta, $this->page->textfile($filename));

    // reset the page cache

    // reset the basics
    $this->root     = $root;
    $this->filename = $filename;
    $this->name     = $name;
    $this->cache    = array();


    return $filename;


  public function update($data = array()) {

    $data = array_merge((array)$this->meta()->toArray(), $data);

    foreach($data as $k => $v) {
      if(is_null($v)) unset($data[$k]);

    if(!data::write($this->textfile(), $data, 'kd')) {
      throw new Exception('The file data could not be saved');

    // reset the page cache

    // reset the file cache
    $this->cache = array();

    return true;


  public function delete() {

    // delete the meta file

    if(!f::remove($this->root())) {
      throw new Exception('The file could not be deleted');

    return true;


   * Get formatted date fields
   * @param string $format
   * @param string $field
   * @return mixed
  public function date($format = null, $field = 'date') {
    if($timestamp = strtotime($this->meta()->$field())) {
      if(is_null($format)) {
        return $timestamp;
      } else {
        return $this->kirby->options['date.handler']($format, $timestamp);
    } else {
      return false;

   * Converts the entire file object into 
   * a plain PHP array
   * @param closure $callback Filter callback
   * @return array
  public function toArray($callback = null) {

    $data = parent::toArray();

    // add the meta content
    $data['meta'] = $this->meta()->toArray();

    if(is_null($callback)) {
      return $data;
    } else {
      return array_map($callback, $data);

