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* SQL Query builder
* @package Kirby Toolkit
* @author Bastian Allgeier <>, Lukas Bestle <>
* @link
* @copyright Bastian Allgeier
* @license MIT License
class Sql {
// list of literals which should not be escaped in queries
public static $literals = array('NOW()', null);
// sql formatting methods, defined below
public static $methods = array();
// the parent database connection and database query
public $database;
public $dbquery;
// list of bindings by sql query string that defines them
protected $bindings = array();
* Constructor
* @param Database $database
* @param Database\Query $dbquery Database query that is used to set the bindings directly
public function __construct($database, $dbquery = null) {
$this->database = $database;
$this->dbquery = $dbquery;
* Sets and returns query-specific bindings
* @param string $query SQL query string that contains the bindings
* @param array $values Array of bindings to set (null to get the bindings)
* @return array
public function bindings($query, $values = null) {
if(is_null($values)) {
return a::get($this->bindings, $query, array());
} else {
if(!is_null($query)) $this->bindings[$query] = $values;
// directly register bindings if possible
if($this->dbquery) $this->dbquery->bindings($values);
* Calls an SQL method using the correct database type
* @param string $method
* @param array $arguments
* @return mixed
public function __call($method, $arguments) {
$type = $this->database->type();
if(isset(static::$methods[$type][$method])) {
$method = static::$methods[$type][$method];
} else {
// fallback to shared method
if(!isset(static::$methods['_shared'][$method])) {
throw new Error('SQL method ' . $method . ' is not defined for database type ' . $type);
$method = static::$methods['_shared'][$method];
// pass the sql object as first argument
array_unshift($arguments, $this);
return call($method, $arguments);
* Registers a method for a specified database type
* The function must take this SQL object as first parameter and set bindings on it
* @param string $name
* @param callable $function
* @param string $type 'mysql', 'sqlite' or '_shared'
public static function registerMethod($name, $function, $type = '_shared') {
if(!isset(static::$methods[$type])) static::$methods[$type] = array();
static::$methods[$type][$name] = $function;
* Returns a randomly generated binding name
* @param string $label String that contains lowercase letters and numbers to use as a readable identifier
* @return string
public static function generateBindingName($label) {
// make sure that the binding name is valid to prevent injections
if(!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+$/', $label)) $label = 'invalid';
return ':' . $label . '_' . uniqid();
* Builds a select clause
* @param array $params List of parameters for the select clause. Check out the defaults for more info.
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('select', function($sql, $params = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'table' => '',
'columns' => '*',
'join' => false,
'distinct' => false,
'where' => false,
'group' => false,
'having' => false,
'order' => false,
'offset' => 0,
'limit' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $params);
$query = array();
$bindings = array();
$query[] = 'SELECT';
// select distinct values
if($options['distinct']) $query[] = 'DISTINCT';
// validate table
if(!$sql->database->validateTable($options['table'])) throw new Error('Invalid table ' . $options['table']);
// columns
if(empty($options['columns'])) {
$query[] = '*';
} else if(is_array($options['columns'])) {
// validate columns
$columns = array();
foreach($options['columns'] as $column) {
list($table, $columnPart) = $sql->splitIdentifier($options['table'], $column);
if(!$sql->database->validateColumn($table, $columnPart)) {
throw new Error('Invalid column ' . $column);
$columns[] = $sql->combineIdentifier($table, $columnPart);
$query[] = implode(', ', $columns);
} else {
$query[] = $options['columns'];
// table
$query[] = 'FROM ' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($options['table']);
// join
if(!empty($options['join'])) {
foreach($options['join'] as $join) {
$joinType = ltrim(strtoupper(a::get($join, 'type', '')) . ' JOIN');
if(!in_array($joinType, array(
))) throw new Error('Invalid join type ' . $joinType);
// validate table
if(!$sql->database->validateTable($join['table'])) throw new Error('Invalid table ' . $join['table']);
// ON can't be escaped here
$query[] = $joinType . ' ' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($join['table']) . ' ON ' . $join['on'];
// where
if(!empty($options['where'])) {
// WHERE can't be escaped here
$query[] = 'WHERE ' . $options['where'];
// group
if(!empty($options['group'])) {
// GROUP BY can't be escaped here
$query[] = 'GROUP BY ' . $options['group'];
// having
if(!empty($options['having'])) {
// HAVING can't be escaped here
$query[] = 'HAVING ' . $options['having'];
// order
if(!empty($options['order'])) {
// ORDER BY can't be escaped here
$query[] = 'ORDER BY ' . $options['order'];
// offset and limit
if($options['offset'] > 0 || $options['limit']) {
if(!$options['limit']) $options['limit'] = '18446744073709551615';
$offsetBinding = sql::generateBindingName('offset');
$bindings[$offsetBinding] = $options['offset'];
$limitBinding = sql::generateBindingName('limit');
$bindings[$limitBinding] = $options['limit'];
$query[] = 'LIMIT ' . $offsetBinding . ', ' . $limitBinding;
$query = implode(' ', $query);
$sql->bindings($query, $bindings);
return $query;
* Builds an insert clause
* @param array $params List of parameters for the insert clause. See defaults for more info.
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('insert', function($sql, $params = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'table' => '',
'values' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $params);
$query = array();
$bindings = array();
// validate table
if(!$sql->database->validateTable($options['table'])) throw new Error('Invalid table ' . $options['table']);
$query[] = 'INSERT INTO ' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($options['table']);
$query[] = $sql->values($options['table'], $options['values'], ', ', false);
$query = implode(' ', $query);
$sql->bindings($query, $bindings);
return $query;
* Builds an update clause
* @param array $params List of parameters for the update clause. See defaults for more info.
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('update', function($sql, $params = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'table' => '',
'values' => false,
'where' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $params);
$query = array();
$bindings = array();
// validate table
if(!$sql->database->validateTable($options['table'])) throw new Error('Invalid table ' . $options['table']);
$query[] = 'UPDATE ' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($options['table']) . ' SET';
$query[] = $sql->values($options['table'], $options['values']);
if(!empty($options['where'])) {
// WHERE can't be escaped here
$query[] = 'WHERE ' . $options['where'];
$query = implode(' ', $query);
$sql->bindings($query, $bindings);
return $query;
* Builds a delete clause
* @param array $params List of parameters for the delete clause. See defaults for more info.
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('delete', function($sql, $params = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'table' => '',
'where' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $params);
$query = array();
$bindings = array();
// validate table
if(!$sql->database->validateTable($options['table'])) throw new Error('Invalid table ' . $options['table']);
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($options['table']);
if(!empty($options['where'])) {
// WHERE can't be escaped here
$query[] = 'WHERE ' . $options['where'];
$query = implode(' ', $query);
$sql->bindings($query, $bindings);
return $query;
* Builds a safe list of values for insert, select or update queries
* @param string $table Table name
* @param mixed $values A value string or array of values
* @param string $separator A separator which should be used to join values
* @param boolean $set If true builds a set list of values for update clauses
* @param boolean $enforceQualified Always use fully qualified column names
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('values', function($sql, $table, $values, $separator = ', ', $set = true, $enforceQualified = false) {
if(!is_array($values)) return $values;
if($set) {
$output = array();
$bindings = array();
foreach($values as $key => $value) {
// validate column
list($table, $column) = $sql->splitIdentifier($table, $key);
if(!$sql->database->validateColumn($table, $column)) {
throw new Error('Invalid column ' . $key);
$key = $sql->combineIdentifier($table, $column, $enforceQualified !== true);
if(in_array($value, sql::$literals, true)) {
$output[] = $key . ' = ' . (($value === null)? 'null' : $value);
} elseif(is_array($value)) {
$value = json_encode($value);
$valueBinding = sql::generateBindingName('value');
$bindings[$valueBinding] = $value;
$output[] = $key . ' = ' . $valueBinding;
$sql->bindings(null, $bindings);
return implode($separator, $output);
} else {
$fields = array();
$output = array();
$bindings = array();
foreach($values as $key => $value) {
// validate column
list($table, $column) = $sql->splitIdentifier($table, $key);
if(!$sql->database->validateColumn($table, $column)) {
throw new Error('Invalid column ' . $key);
$key = $sql->combineIdentifier($table, $column, $enforceQualified !== true);
$fields[] = $key;
if(in_array($value, sql::$literals, true)) {
$output[] = ($value === null)? 'null' : $value;
} elseif(is_array($value)) {
$value = json_encode($value);
$valueBinding = sql::generateBindingName('value');
$bindings[$valueBinding] = $value;
$output[] = $valueBinding;
$sql->bindings(null, $bindings);
return '(' . implode($separator, $fields) . ') VALUES (' . implode($separator, $output) . ')';
* Creates the sql for dropping a single table
* @param string $table
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('dropTable', function($sql, $table) {
// validate table
if(!$sql->database->validateTable($table)) throw new Error('Invalid table ' . $table);
return 'DROP TABLE ' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($table);
* Creates a table with a simple scheme array for columns
* MySQL version
* @todo add more options per column
* @param string $table The table name
* @param array $columns
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('createTable', function($sql, $table, $columns = array()) {
$output = array();
$keys = array();
$bindings = array();
foreach($columns as $name => $column) {
// column type
if(!isset($column['type'])) throw new Error('No column type given for column ' . $name);
switch($column['type']) {
case 'id':
$column['key'] = 'PRIMARY';
case 'varchar':
$template = '{} varchar(255) {column.null} {column.default}';
case 'text':
$template = '{} TEXT';
case 'int':
$template = '{} INT(11) UNSIGNED {column.null} {column.default}';
case 'timestamp':
$template = '{} TIMESTAMP {column.null} {column.default}';
throw new Error('Unsupported column type: ' . $column['type']);
// null
if(a::get($column, 'null') === false) {
$null = 'NOT NULL';
} else {
$null = 'NULL';
// indexes/keys
$key = false;
if(isset($column['key'])) {
$column['key'] = strtoupper($column['key']);
// backwards compatibility
if($column['key'] === 'PRIMARY') $column['key'] = 'PRIMARY KEY';
if(in_array($column['key'], array('PRIMARY KEY', 'INDEX'))) {
$key = $column['key'];
$keys[$name] = $key;
// default value
$defaultBinding = null;
if(isset($column['default'])) {
$defaultBinding = sql::generateBindingName('default');
$bindings[$defaultBinding] = $column['default'];
$output[] = trim(str::template($template, array(
'' => $sql->quoteIdentifier($name),
'column.null' => $null,
'column.default' => r(!is_null($defaultBinding), 'DEFAULT ' . $defaultBinding),
// combine columns
$inner = implode(',' . PHP_EOL, $output);
// add keys
foreach($keys as $name => $key) {
$inner .= ',' . PHP_EOL . $key . ' (' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($name) . ')';
// make it a string
$query = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($table) . ' (' . PHP_EOL . $inner . PHP_EOL . ')';
$sql->bindings($query, $bindings);
return $query;
}, 'mysql');
* Creates a table with a simple scheme array for columns
* SQLite version
* @todo add more options per column
* @param string $table The table name
* @param array $columns
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('createTable', function($sql, $table, $columns = array()) {
$output = array();
$keys = array();
$bindings = array();
foreach($columns as $name => $column) {
// column type
if(!isset($column['type'])) throw new Error('No column type given for column ' . $name);
switch($column['type']) {
case 'id':
case 'varchar':
$template = '{} TEXT {column.null} {column.key} {column.default}';
case 'text':
$template = '{} TEXT {column.null} {column.key} {column.default}';
case 'int':
$template = '{} INTEGER {column.null} {column.key} {column.default}';
case 'timestamp':
$template = '{} INTEGER {column.null} {column.key} {column.default}';
throw new Error('Unsupported column type: ' . $column['type']);
// null
if(a::get($column, 'null') === false) {
$null = 'NOT NULL';
} else {
$null = 'NULL';
// indexes/keys
$key = false;
if(isset($column['key'])) {
$column['key'] = strtoupper($column['key']);
// backwards compatibility
if($column['key'] === 'PRIMARY') $column['key'] = 'PRIMARY KEY';
if(in_array($column['key'], array('PRIMARY KEY', 'INDEX'))) {
$key = $column['key'];
$keys[$name] = $key;
// default value
$default = null;
if(isset($column['default'])) {
// Apparently SQLite doesn't support bindings for default values
$default = "'" . $sql->database->escape($column['default']) . "'";
$output[] = trim(str::template($template, array(
'' => $sql->quoteIdentifier($name),
'column.null' => $null,
'column.key' => r($key && $key != 'INDEX', $key),
'column.default' => r(!is_null($default), 'DEFAULT ' . $default),
// combine columns
$inner = implode(',' . PHP_EOL, $output);
// make it a string
$query = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($table) . ' (' . PHP_EOL . $inner . PHP_EOL . ')';
// set bindings for our first query
$sql->bindings($query, $bindings);
// add index keys
foreach($keys as $name => $key) {
if($key != 'INDEX') continue;
$indexQuery = 'CREATE INDEX ' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($table . '_' . $name) . ' ON ' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($table) . ' (' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($name) . ')';
$query .= ';' . PHP_EOL . $indexQuery;
return $query;
}, 'sqlite');
* Splits a (qualified) identifier into table and column
* @param $table string Default table if the identifier is not qualified
* @param $identifier string
* @return array
sql::registerMethod('splitIdentifier', function($sql, $table, $identifier) {
// split by dot, but only outside of quotes
$parts = preg_split('/(?:`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")(*SKIP)(*F)|\./', $identifier);
switch(count($parts)) {
// non-qualified identifier
case 1:
return array($table, $sql->unquoteIdentifier($parts[0]));
// qualified identifier
case 2:
return array($sql->unquoteIdentifier($parts[0]), $sql->unquoteIdentifier($parts[1]));
// every other number is an error
throw new Error('Invalid identifier ' . $identifier);
* Unquotes an identifier (table *or* column)
* @param $identifier string
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('unquoteIdentifier', function($sql, $identifier) {
// remove quotes around the identifier
if(in_array(str::substr($identifier, 0, 1), array('"', '`'))) $identifier = str::substr($identifier, 1);
if(in_array(str::substr($identifier, -1), array('"', '`'))) $identifier = str::substr($identifier, 0, -1);
// unescape duplicated quotes
return str_replace(array('""', '``'), array('"', '`'), $identifier);
* Combines an identifier (table and column)
* MySQL version
* @param $table string
* @param $column string
* @param $values boolean Whether the identifier is going to be used for a values clause
* Only relevant for SQLite
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('combineIdentifier', function($sql, $table, $column, $values = false) {
return $sql->quoteIdentifier($table) . '.' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($column);
}, 'mysql');
* Combines an identifier (table and column)
* SQLite version
* @param $table string
* @param $column string
* @param $values boolean Whether the identifier is going to be used for a values clause
* Only relevant for SQLite
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('combineIdentifier', function($sql, $table, $column, $values = false) {
// SQLite doesn't support qualified column names for VALUES clauses
if($values) return $sql->quoteIdentifier($column);
return $sql->quoteIdentifier($table) . '.' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($column);
}, 'sqlite');
* Quotes an identifier (table *or* column)
* MySQL version
* @param $identifier string
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('quoteIdentifier', function($sql, $identifier) {
// * is special
if($identifier === '*') return $identifier;
// replace every backtick with two backticks
$identifier = str_replace('`', '``', $identifier);
// wrap in backticks
return '`' . $identifier . '`';
}, 'mysql');
* Quotes an identifier (table *or* column)
* SQLite version
* @param $identifier string
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('quoteIdentifier', function($sql, $identifier) {
// * is special
if($identifier === '*') return $identifier;
// replace every quote with two quotes
$identifier = str_replace('"', '""', $identifier);
// wrap in quotes
return '"' . $identifier . '"';
}, 'sqlite');
* Returns a list of tables for a specified database
* MySQL version
* @param string $database The database name
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('tableList', function($sql, $database) {
$bindings = array();
$databaseBinding = sql::generateBindingName('database');
$bindings[$databaseBinding] = $database;
$sql->bindings($query, $bindings);
return $query;
}, 'mysql');
* Returns a list of tables of the database
* SQLite version
* @param string $database The database name
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('tableList', function($sql, $database) {
return 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table"';
}, 'sqlite');
* Returns a list of columns for a specified table
* MySQL version
* @param string $database The database name
* @param string $table The table name
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('columnList', function($sql, $database, $table) {
$bindings = array();
$databaseBinding = sql::generateBindingName('database');
$bindings[$databaseBinding] = $database;
$tableBinding = sql::generateBindingName('table');
$bindings[$tableBinding] = $table;
$query .= 'WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ' . $databaseBinding . ' AND TABLE_NAME = ' . $tableBinding;
$sql->bindings($query, $bindings);
return $query;
}, 'mysql');
* Returns a list of columns for a specified table
* SQLite version
* @param string $database The database name
* @param string $table The table name
* @return string
sql::registerMethod('columnList', function($sql, $database, $table) {
// validate table
if(!$sql->database->validateTable($table)) throw new Error('Invalid table ' . $table);
return 'PRAGMA table_info(' . $sql->quoteIdentifier($table) . ')';
}, 'sqlite');